Breakthrough Therapy

Breakthrough Therapy

A Breakthrough session is a uniquely personalised development session that is tailored to you and your specific needs. This is often a daily intensive session that will empower you to let go of the negative emotional baggage, unhelpful beliefs and self-limiting decisions that are holding you back.

With the use of NLP and Time Line Therapy®, we can remove the limitations and conflicts that have manifested in your mind. Although you are aware of your conscious values, you are not aware of your unconscious and subconscious values that drive your behaviour. During this therapy we will work to align your unconscious, subconscious and conscious values so you can reach your goals.

Discover your hidden potential by re-aligning with your True Self. Breakthrough Therapy helps you develop greater self-confidence, acceptance, peace, inner balance, well-being, happiness, clarity, and a sense of direction and motivation.

This technique is designed to access your unconscious mind where immediate and lasting changes can be made. You will learn how to speak the precise language of this part of your mind so you can let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs.  Instead you will learn to formulate new goals and activate positive emotions.

This technique allows us to get to the root of your issues, where we can plant positive seeds of empowerment and strength. Within each person there is an innate ability to overcome any challenges and heal themselves. You already possess the courage, internal strength and resources you’ll need to transcend whatever issues you are struggling with. We simply need to remove the barriers that have built up over time, so we can reconnect you with your lost resources.

What a Breakthrough Session is Ideal For:

  • Career Development
  • Improving Relationships
  • Self-Confidence
  • Increased Motivation and Direction
  • Greater Physical Health and Well-Being
  • Self-Motivation
  • Overcoming Mental and Emotional Issues

How to Know If Breakthrough Therapy Session is Right for You

If you are feeling stuck and struggling to break out of unhealthy habits and undesirable behaviours an NLP breakthrough therapy session may be just what you need. If you continue to find yourself saying:

  • I wish I could do this but…
  • If only I could find a way to do…
  • Why do I keep doing this to myself…
  • I just can’t stop doing…
  • Nothing I do works…
  • I wonder how people overcome this problem…
  • I can’t let go…
  • It’s too painful to move on…
  • I don’t know how to deal with this…
  • I feel stuck…
  • I feel lost…
  • I feel torn, part of me wants to do this and another part of me wants to do this…

Committing to this form of therapy will allow you to quickly overcome any barriers you have to true success and happiness. These highly personalised sessions will allow you to look beyond the fears that have held you captive, moving you towards your true purpose and highest aspirations. You will develop values and beliefs that are in alignment with your True Self. When you free yourself from unhelpful thought patterns, repetitive mistakes and limiting behaviours, you will begin moving in a direction that will produce the greatest successes in life

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